My son (Nathan) gave me a Canon T2i to take pictures in Las Vegas. He had a Nikon camera. We went to celebrate New Years at the end of 2019. The plan was to go the Grand Canyon but the roads were closed due to snow.  We did take lots of pictures of the New Years celebration. 


     I had always loved taking pictures when I traveled but now I was seriously hooked. 


     After switching cameras several times I am now using a Canon 80d.  Right now I have eleven lenses and several  tripods. 


     I enjoy taking Landscape pictures the most, especially waterfalls. I have been going on two to five mile hikes all summer to shoot waterfalls. I guess you could say it is my retirement wellness program. 


     The back pack in the picture is full of camera lenses and gear. The tripod also serves as a walking stick and weapon if I am attacked by a bear.


     I live in Washington State so that is where I take most of my pictures. I hope you enjoy seeing the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them. 


Thanks for visiting my site. 


Robert Deans